Monday 1 July 2013

Being with Lord Almighty's destitute...

तुम पास पास रहना तुम साथ साथ रहना
राही नया नया हूं हमराही बन के रहना I


Family of Nelson Mandela: His health is in God's hands now By CNN Staff July 1, 2013 -- Updated 1353 GMT (2153 HKT

Pretoria, South Africa (CNN) -- The former wife of Nelson Mandela visited him Sunday in the hospital where the ailing anti-apartheid icon is clinging to life, the South African Press Association reported.
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, who was married to the former South African president from 1958 to 1996, described what it's like to see her former husband of 38 years struggle to live in an exclusive interview with UK network ITV News.
"It is extremely painful to see him going through what he's going through now. But it's God's wish," Winnie Mandela told ITV.
Nelson Mandela, 94, remains in critical but stable condition at a Pretoria hospital where he has been battling a recurring lung infection since June 8.
His condition worsened last week with family members saying his health was "delicate" and "anything is imminent." But daughter Zindzi Mandela told ITV between hospital visits that her father is alert and recognizes when a new person enters his hospital room.
"The one time he did speak was to tell my mom to sit down ... because she was standing at the edge of his bed," she said, laughing.
As his condition has deteriorated, South Africans have gathered outside the hospital, praying, lighting candles and leaving notes for the man they refer to as "tata," the Xhosa word for father. Those tributes continued Sunday as a Salvation Army band played hymns near the hospital and well-wishers gathered to be close to their beloved Madiba.
Winnie Mandela shot down any suggestion that the family was discussing whether to end life support.
"It was nonsense to suggest we needed to take a decision to pull the tubes," she told ITV.

Mandela became an international figure while enduring 27 years in prison for fighting against apartheid, the country's system of racial segregation. He was elected the nation's first black president in 1994, four years after he was freed. Even as he has faded from the spotlight, he remains popular and is considered a hero of democracy worldwide.

Thought of the day...

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present.” - Lao Tzu

Our so-called 21st Century!

Living in the 21st century and still people thinking in the same way and with the same ideology as in the time of cavemen! What we accept or reject is based on our values, thoughts and beliefs incluenced by our norms. What we accept may be challenged by others..does that imply we should be declaring war on everything? The world is globalising but will our thoughts and values ever go beyond its own limits to open doors for more ideas and creativity or shall we simply accept our imposed culture for the sake of acceptance by the mass. Fear breads cowardness which in turn breeds incapability to progress..

One of the most revolutionary Indian Poems ever: 'Taj'

ताज कविता
हाय! मृत्यु का ऐसा अमर, अपार्थिव पूजन?
जब निषण्ण, निर्जीव पड़ा हो जग का जीवन!
संग-सौध में हो श्रृंगार मरण का शोभन,
नग्न, क्षुधातुर, वास-विहीन रहें जीवित जन?

मानव! ऐसी भी विरक्ति क्या जीवन के प्रति?
आत्मा का अपमान, प्रेत औ’ छाया से रति!!
प्रेम-अर्चना यही, करें हम मरण को वरण?
स्थापित कर कंकाल, भरें जीवन का प्रांगण?
शव को दें हम रूप, रंग, आदर मानव का
मानव को हम कुत्सित चित्र बना दें शव का?

गत-युग के बहु धर्म-रूढ़ि के ताज मनोहर
मानव के मोहांध हृदय में किए हुए घर!
भूल गये हम जीवन का संदेश अनश्वर,
मृतकों के हैं मृतक, जीवतों का है ईश्वर!
ताज -सुमित्रानंदन पंत

कवि  सुमित्रानंदन पंत
जन्म 20 मई 1900
जन्म स्थान कौसानी, उत्तराखण्ड, भारत
मृत्यु  28 दिसंबर, 1977
मृत्यु स्थान प्रयाग, उत्तर प्रदेश

मुख्य रचनाएँ        वीणा, पल्लव, चिदंबरा, युगवाणी, लोकायतन, हार, आत्मकथात्मक संस्मरण- साठ वर्ष, युगपथ, स्वर्णकिरण, कला और बूढ़ा चाँद आदि